Nov 28, 2023
Something I hear a lot when talking to up and coming summit
hosts is, "I know your processes and templates would be SO helpful,
but I think I'll try it on my own first and, if I like it, I'll
join your program afterward."
If that's you, I've got a heartfelt episode for you around why I
want you to reconsider. Not for...
Nov 21, 2023
Last week I shared how I use this podcast to grow my virtual
summits and we're taking it a step further this week.
Podcast strategist and manager, Caroline Hull, is joining me to
share how you can tweak your podcast strategy so that it becomes a
powerful business tool that consistently leads people to...
Nov 14, 2023
Want to know a GREAT place to look for summit speakers? ...Your
I noticed that I was giving that tip to a lot of summit hosts,
which made me reflect on all the ways I use this podcast for our
summits. It's a lot more than I'd ever realized!
In this episode I'll share some background on this podcast, 6 ways
Nov 7, 2023
If you're freaked out by the idea of pitching summit speakers, you're not alone. It can be intimidating to reach out to people you're friends with and sending totally cold pitches brings it to a whole new level.
Since cold pitching is usually involved with creating your dream
speaker lineup, I bought in Laura Lopuch to...