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Summit Host Hangout®

Sep 26, 2023

If you've got multiple offers that perform well in your business and want to know which one to launch through a virtual summit, this episode is for you!

We'll cover the factor you're probably considering that you should ignore along with 6 questions to ask yourself to identify which offer will get you the best...

Sep 19, 2023

Launching through a summit is a powerful strategy for bringing in a flood of new members into your offer. I've seen successful launches for all kinds of offers, but there are a few that stand out as the most effective.

In this episode, we'll break down the 3 best types of offers to launch through a summit, plus what to...

Sep 12, 2023

In this episode, I'm joined by special guest Lucia Doynel to explore overcoming the fear of being seen and rising as a thought leader through virtual summits.

Lucia shares her deep insights on overcoming the real fear of visibility and being seen so you can go on to host virtual summits and be seen in your business in...

Sep 5, 2023

Join us in this episode as we explore the world of hosting a virtual summit from the ground up.

Our guest, Maggie Klaassens, the brilliant mind behind The Sober Summit, organized her first event without a brand, business, audience, or email list.

If you've ever doubted whether it's possible to land...