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Summit Host Hangout

Nov 24, 2020

If you're not already outsourcing, you'll likely begin to consider it when it comes time to put on your summit.

After all, there are all kinds of easy, repeatable tasks, which are perfect for your first outsourcing experience!

To help get you started, I've brought in Tianna Tye to chat about how to know if it's time...

Nov 17, 2020

Your summit is over, but what does that mean for your summit website?

You certainly don't want to just leave things as they are, so in this episode we'll cover a simple strategy that benefits your business and gives people who land on your website a great experience once the event is over.

For show notes, head to

Nov 10, 2020

You've created an incredible all-access pass offer and now it's time to show it off and get those sales rolling in. In this episode, we'll cover my 5 best all-access pass sales page tips.

For show notes, head to

Nov 3, 2020

After our last episode, you understand the goal behind your presentation pages and what exactly they should include.

In this episode, we'll take it one step further with a Q&A style chat. We'll cover how to make presentations available for a limited-time, whether attendees should have to login to view presentations,...