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Summit Host Hangout®

Sep 28, 2021

Want to host a profitable virtual summit without relying on paid ads? Whether you want to skip paid advertising altogether or layer other strategies on top of your ads, it is totally possible.

In this episode, Margaux Fraise is sharing how she brought in $20k in profit in her first virtual summit without any paid...

Sep 21, 2021

It's easy to get caught up on the number of followers you have, your summit registration goal, and the profit you see once your event is over.

But what we often miss is the impact authenticity and connections can have in everything we do.

When it comes to a virtual summit, this can show up in how you approach...

Sep 14, 2021

Have questions about virtual summit speakers? I've got answers for you in today's speaker-specific rapid-fire Q&A episode.

We'll cover questions like:
- Have you had speakers drop out when you send an agreement?
- How can I convince speakers if I don’t pay them?
- What do I do if a speaker asks for the full email...

Sep 7, 2021

There's a widespread strategy where virtual summit hosts pitch speakers and, at the bottom of the email, mention that a list size of at least 5000 subscribers is required.

So the pitch goes something like, “I love what you do, I’d love for you to provide value to my audience, they’ll love you, but all of that is...